About Me

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I am driven by the passion I have for life. I have seen and been through more than someone three times my age. It has grown me into the woman I am today. All while dealing with tragedies I have seen a lot of good. I am blessed beyond comparison. I am what the doctors called, "a true miracle." I praise God everyday for my life. Needless to say I enjoy life and have learned to never take things for granted. Laughter is what keeps me going. I love to make a difference in others' life. My family is upmost important. Boomer Sooner.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pro Blogger 

This blog discusses how to have a scannable blog.  One of it's first tips is to create lists, such as bullet points that are linked to other things.  Another tip it gives you is to not fill up every space on your page.  Just because you have blank space doesn't mean it needs to be filled up.  You want to avoid clutter, so your viewers don't become overwhelmed.

About.com Blogging

This blog discusses the way you write on your blog.  A huge part of having a blog is being able to express yourself honestly and truthfully.  It talks about how you should post about things that you are passionate about.  These are a couple key elements in having an effective blog.

Successful Blogging

This blog discusses to main rules about blogging.  It is easier for people to read in print than online and when people read things on a screen they skim.  Even if the headline appeals to your reader.  A long body of text will scare them off. 

Google Blogscoped

This blog discusses a way to have a good blog writing style.  Here's a few points the blog gives to you: use descriptive headlines, write in inverted pyramid style, re-introduce core ideas, and use lists, images and labels.


Here you will find a blog that has the right typography.  It is in the right color, font, and it is large enough to be able to clearly read.  The flow of this blog is great.  She has tons of pictures, which lets face it, that's what grabs most of our attention anyways.  Great insightful well versed blog!


Here you will find a cute blog.  Although it be cute it is cluttered.  Not only is it cluttered but it is very hard to read.  The font isn't necessarily awful, yet it is not the best.  But to me the worst part about this blog is the color.  She chose for her font color to be a light gray. Just awful! Hurts your eyes to try and read it.

Monday, January 28, 2013

This blog is an informative blog.  Here you will find things that inspire, grow, and or promote your senses to be creative.  In things such as crafts, cooking, baking, travel, fashion, music, quotes and much more.  I review the posts that go through the feed on my Pinterest account.  I then determine which ones are the most interesting.  These are the ones I will be sharing with all of you.  Hope you will find my blog inspiring and that you will learn creative new ways to brighten your world.  I will start off my blog by sharing with you one of my first pins I ever did pin on Pinterest.  

One of my first pins was the lyrics to one of my favorite bands.  If you have not checked them out I am going to need you to do so.  The lyrics I am about to introduce you to are from their song titled, "After the Storm."  To listen to the song click the link below: 



Mumford and Sons 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hollen Zoo Designs

I found a blog called, well that’s one of the blogs problems.  The blog I found doesn’t seem to fit its name, “Hollen Zoo Designs.”  There are stories on the blog about her toddler and she compares her house to a zoo, which is cute; but in my opinion I think she could come up with a better name. 
            The main strength of this blog would be her stories.  Her stories are very interesting and definitely seem to catch your attention within the first couple of sentences; which let’s face it in society today you have to or else nobody will continue reading. 
            The ideas I have gotten for my blog from this blog is the way it is set up.  I like how her home page is purely her blog posts with no other junk located on it.  Then at the top of the page she has different tabs for a contact, about me, services and so on.  I think that is a great idea and makes the blog less distracting and easier to follow.   

Erika's Little Boy Drawing (this is mostly what her blog is about)